1. Alivia Fatiga / Fatigue Help
Banana, orange and papaya (Platano, naranja y papaya).
2. Anemia / Anemia
Zanahoria, apio y naranaja / Carrots, celery & orange
3. Antienvejecimiento / Anti Aging
Guava, papaya, strawberries and grapefruit. (Guayava, papaya, fresa y toronja)
4. Antioxidantes / Antioxidants
Apples, grapes and oranges. (Manzana, uva y toronja)
5. Celulitis / Cellulite
Pineapple and cucumber. (Pina y pepino).
6. Clasicos / Classics
Orange and grapefruit. (Naranja y toronja).
7. Colesterol / Cholesterol
Apple, cucumber and celery. (Manzana, pepino y apio)
8. Despertador / Wake
Grapefruit, orange and strawberry. (toronja, naranja y fresa)
9. Dietetico / Dietetic
Pineapple, grapefruit, cactus and strawberry. (Toronja, naranaja y fresa).
10. Digestivo / Digestive
Cactus, orange, mango, papaya. (nopal, naranja, mango, y papaya)
11. Dolar Muscular/ Muscle Pain
Strawberry, banana and pineapple. (fresca plantano y pina).
12. Elimina Grasas / Elimina Fat
Cactus, grapefruit and celery (Nopal toronja y apio).
13. Energetico / Energetic
Grape, orange, kiwi. (Uva, naranja y kiwi)
14. Energetizante / Energizing
Carrots, cucumber and beets. (Zanahoria, pepino y betabel)
15. Fortalecedor / Fortiying
Carrots, beets and lime (Zanahoria betabel y limón)
16. Licuado Bomba / Bomb Shake
Granola, walnuts, almonds, banana and soy milk (Granola, nuez, almendra, platano y leche de soya)
17. Licuado Levanta Muertos/Libido Enchancing Shake
Granola, walnuts, almonds, oats, banana and soy milk. Libido enhancer (Granola, nuez, almendra, avena, plátano, leche de soya y levanta muertos)
18. Limpieza Total / Total Cleanse
Carrots, apples, lime. (Zanahoria, manaza, y limon.)
19. Para El Higado / For The Liver
Tomato, carrots, lime and celery.( Jitomate, zanahoria, limon y apio.)
20. Para Los Calambres / For Cramps
Beet, carrots and orange. (Betabel, zanahoria, y naranaja)
21. Para Los Nervios / Nerves
Mango papaya, pineapple and bananas (Mango, papaya, pina y platano.)
22. Previene el Cancer / Prevent Cancer
Orange, strawberry and carrots. (Naranjo, fresa y zanahoria)
23. Resaca / Hangover
Papaya, honey, pineapple. (Papaya, pina y miel.
24. Refrescante / Refreshing
Strawberry and kiwi. (Fresa y kiwi)
25. Silueta / Silhouette
Piña, manzana, toronja y apio / Pineapple, apple, grapefruit & celery
26. Tropical / Tropical
Pineapple and Guava ( pina y guaraba)
27. Vampiro / Vampire
Carrot, beets, celery. (Zanahoria, betabel y apio)
28. Vitamina C / Vitamin C
Guava, celery, orange and lime. (Guayaba, apio, naranja y limon.)
29. Vitaminico / Vitaminic
Apples, spinach, broccoli, parsley and lime (manzana, espinaca, brocoli, perejil y limon)
30. Make your own smoothie or Juice
Up to 3 ingredients of your choice
Mexican Bottle Sodas
Can Sodas
Coffee Regular
Aqua Embotellada / Bottled Water
Horchata, Jamaica & Chia
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